Qui-Gon Jinn
Qui-Gon Jinn is a Jedi master from the last years of the Republic Era. He is Force-sensitive, and well-respected despite being a bit of a maverick and getting on in...
Seamus McDermott |
Qui-Gon Jinn is a Jedi master from the last years of the Republic Era. He is Force-sensitive, and well-respected despite being a bit of a maverick and getting on in...
Seamus McDermott |
Who is Darth Vader?Darth Vader is a character from the Star Wars franchise, and perhaps one of the most iconic villains in cinema. In the original trilogy (episodes 4-6), he...
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Luke Skywalker, destined to be one of the most famous Jedi Masters, began his childhood on a moisture farm on the desert planet of Tatooine. His adventures had him join...
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IMG SOURCEOne of the most beloved of Jedi masters, Obi-Wan Kenobi (also known as Ben Kenobi) served on the Jedi Council in the final years of the Republic Era. Kenobi...
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The Story fo Rey SkywalkerIMG SourceOriginally known as simply ‘Rey,’ this young scavenger eventually became a Jedi Master, taking on the family name of her mentor and master, Luke Skywalker....
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One of the longest-lasting and best-loved supporting characters in the Star Wars franchise has to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master (played by Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor). Kenobi uses three...
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In the first two released Star Wars films (A New Hope, and The Empire Strikes Back) Luke Skywalker (played by Mark Hamill) does not wield his own light sabre –...
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Owning a ligthsaber is one thing, but if the wielder doesn’t have sufficient skills, that will do little good. Every Jedi and Sith are trained to use these weapons to...
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In all of science fiction, there are only one or two weapons that don’t blend in with the white noise of blasters and lasers and their kind, and the most...
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Customers have been asking this for a while and its finally here! Smooth swing!So we have a number of changes here at Galaxy Sabers, from now on all sabers will feature...
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